John Kuykendall and Anna Henry Kuykendall Cemetery Prairie Dell, TX
This cemetery is located at 19560 Kuykendall Branch Road, Salado, TX on private property. This was originally the ranch of John Kuykendall and his wife Anna (Henry) Kuykendall and passed on to other family members until the early part of the 20th century when it was sold to the Warrick family. Both John and Anna and other family members are buried here.
This information on the cemetery was recorded by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Street, Sr., April 9, 1969.
John Kuykendall, died Oct 7, 1853, age 54 years.
Anna Kuykendall, died Nov 10, 1876, age 72 years.
John Kuykendall, son on John and Anna Kuykendall, died Nov 15, 1857, age 17 years.
Minnie Kuykendall, May 12, 1874-Dec 15, 1889.
William Kuykendall, Sept 4, 1829- March 3, 1898.
Nancy L. Kuykendall, wife on Wm. Kuykendall, Nov 28, 1848 (1843)-March 27, 1927.
Hattie Lee (Lou) Kuykendall, March 27, 1899-Jan 18,1906, daughter of Sam and Bethena Kuykendall
Mrs. Warrick, the current owner of the property, is a descendent of John and Anna's son Simon.
John Kuykendall Died Oct. 7, 1853 Aged 54 years.
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Hattie Lou Dau of S. C. & B. C. Kuykendall Born Mar. 27, 1899 - died Jan 19, 1906
John Kuykendall Died Oct. 7, 1853 Aged 54 years.
Wm. Kuykendall - Born Sept. 4, 1829. Died Mar. 3, 1898, Aged 68 y's, 5 m's, & 29 d's.
Nancy L. Kuykendall - Nov 28, 1843 - Mar 7, 1927
John Son of John and Anna Kuykendall - Died November 15, 1857 Aged 17 Yrs.
Minnie Wife of S. C. Kuykendall. Born May 12, 1874, Died Dec. 16, 1889